Radu Grosu

Radu Grosu is a full professor and the head of the Institute of Computer Engineering at the Faculty of Informatics of the TU Wien. He is also head of the cyber-physical-systems group within the Institute of Computer-Engineering, and a research professor at the Department of Computer Science of the State University of New York at Stony Brook (USA).

Radu earned his PhD in computer science from the Technical University Munich (Germany). He was a research associate at the Department of Computer and Information Science of the University of Pennsylvania, and assistant and associate professor at the Department of Computer Science at the State University of New York at Stony Brook (USA), where he co-directed the concurrent-systems laboratory and co-founded the systems-biology laboratory.

Radu’s research interests include modelling, analysis and control of cyber-physical systems and biological systems. The application’s focus includes distributed automotive and avionic systems, IoT, autonomous mobility, green operating systems, mobile ad-hoc networks, cardiac and neural networks, and genetic regulatory networks.

Radu received the National Science Foundation Career Award, the State University of New York Research Foundation Promising Inventor Award, the Association for Computing Machinery Service Award. He is an elected member of the International Federation for Information Processing, Working Group 2.2.

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